24 November 2010

Sunday 19 September 2010

Picton Castle at sea; Sunday 19 September 2010 בס"ד

Friday afternoon watch had me sanding and scraping the wooden trim of the galley house by the scuttle. I also sanded and oiled some tools, then stood fourth lookout. Hung out after watch, took a shower, and after dinner waited until sundown to begin my observance of Yom Kippur. Went into the hold and quietly recited the first book of Tehilim, then went to bed.

Saturday I literally spent the entire day in my bunk, either sleeping or reading psalms. I didn't have to get up to use the head or anything, and I kept my curtains closed so I wouldn't be disturbed. We had retarded the clocks an hour in the night, and so I managed to get 25 hours of fasting in a 24 hour period. Broke fast with bread leftovers from dinner. Then at 2000, we had a bro-meeting, since Niko and Dapper were on galley, meaning that we had all bros at one time. I took down the minutes in He-bro, and many important topics were discussed like always. Then had a bro-meeting afterparty, with Logan and Siri present, and I told my “Joe's house” story. We moved the party to the hold at the Reggae Riggers' Lounge. Then got ready for morning watch.

First hour of watch we did compass-boxing exercises, which I've been good at for a while now, but I helped one of us who still has trouble with the whole concept. Second hour, talked with Jan about top ten films of all time, then stood third helm steering SW xW 1/2W. I had to use the head about fifteen minutes in and was temporarily relieved. After helm I did wakeups at 0330. Now time for sleep.

Afternoon watch began with setting stunsls and cruising along on a beautiful perfect sailing day. No ships work on Sundays, so I hung out on the quarterdeck. Got some sextant practice getting a noon sight with others. Also practiced tying knots on the stackhouse handrail like the good old days. Stood third lookout and nothing to report. Halfway through lookout, the riggers came upon the focslehead and rigged up the fore royal to a gantline to send it up and bend it on, so I tended the tagline as the sail went up and did deck calls. Fourth hour was on the quarterdeck. After watch, a talk on Fiji, then a marlinspike til dinner. At the end of dinner, Sophie saw a fishingline start jittering and sure enough, FISH ON with a massive marlin jumping out of the water. Unfortunately, it got away and it bent a four inch hook pretty well in the process. Helped clean up dinner, then to the forepeak for some stories, videos, and beer. Now some quick shuteye.

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