04 February 2011

Sunday 16 January 2011

Picton Castle at sea; Sunday 16 January 2011 בס"ד

Woke up at 0745, breakfast at 0800, and did the dishes with Joani. Typed up logs after doing some hard drive backing up and giving Liam photos. At 1030ish, “THAR SHE BLOWS ON THE PORT BEAM!” yelled the Captain from the quarterdeck and I got up in time to see a sperm whale about 75 feet off. Pretty crazy. Typed until 1100 and watched the “Charlie don't surf!” battle scene from Apocalypse Now! Redux with Mitch, Davey, and Clark. Lunch at 1200, washed dishes with Joani again. Typed more, then showed Jan maps of New York. I'm getting closer and closer to catching up with typing, and I ended in January, so I'm less than two weeks behind now. Started reading War and Peace, but was tired and took a nap from 1530 to about 1700. There was a “garden party”-themed marlinespike, and I enjoyed some popcorn and punch. Dinner, did dishes with Ali and the bro galley team, and read a bit of Homer's Odyssey before our first bro-executive meeting in months. Very important. After the meeting, hung out in the forepeak and watched [person] act like a complete jackass. Bed.

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