Picton Castle at sea (Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone); Friday 18 June 2010 בס"ד
A very, very active day. Morning watch had me on first helm, riding huge swells, but keeping on course like it was my business. Then we were taking in and setting and taking in and setting all the fore-and-aft sails every so often. I learned how to holystone the deck and did a bit of that as well. I went aloft to furl the main lower topsl also. After breakfast, I took a nap til 1030, then hung out until lunch, then took another nap accidentally (the weather is snotty and so I went to my bunk and passed out). Afternoon watch started with taking in and setting fore-and-aft sails still. I stood second lookout, but was twice interrupted by sail-handling (we braced sharp on a starboard tack) and then did a quick muster to explain the weather and the ITCZ. Liam and I had to go out on the headrig after dinner to sea-stow the outer jib, which was wild because it was just before the sun set, and the ship was pitching like wild and it was kind of squally and crazy. I then had to help take in the inner jib and went out again to ful that with Nadja. I helped a bit with the galley, but then had to put lashings on the boats atop the galleyhouse. After watch, I had a nice chat with Joanie about Shabbat and what I would normally do ashore, and after came down to my bunk to find a nice surprise.
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