Yesterday I got a wakeup at 0615, but I guess I was very tired because I instantly fell back asleep and was woken again at 0700. Of course, I was quite embarrassed, and to make up for it I stayed an extra hour past 0800 when I was officially relieved to help finish the breakfast dishes. I then packed a day bag and headed to a nearby pub to meet Liam, Jimmy, Donald, and Nicksa to watch the South Africa vs. Mexico game of the World Cup. Even though it was still early, that didn't stop us from enjoying a few cold ones. Nicksa went back to PC afterwards, and the rest of us took a cab into the city. Jimmy and I both wanted rooms, and so the cabby took us to a few places before we found one that we liked. We checked in, then the four of us went to the Albrook Mall, which is MASSIVE. We had lunch, then split up for an hour to do some shopping. I picked up some bins, a collared shirt, two baseball hats, a Panama hat, a flask, and postcards. We met up at 1400 and Jimmy and I returned to our hotel. I went online for a bit and at 1600 I set out on my main mission; to get the black rose. I got to a place at around 1645, and was done by 1800. I'm quite happy with the results. I went back to the ship to meet with some people, and we went to dinner at a nice restaurant in the city. A lot went to clubs after, but I was exhausted and returned to my room.
Today I made a quick run to the PC to grab some stuff at about 0730, came back to the room and slept some more, then went out shopping for things I needed. I got materials I think I need for making a model ship, a forearm/grip exercise squeezer thing, and some supplies from a pharmacy. I had sancocho (the Panamanian national soup) for lunch and un bistec con patacones for dinner. Came back to the hotel, and did a lot of research online and updated my sites. Now just did quite a bit of working out, and ready for bed. I'm getting an 0630 wake up call and I want to be at the ship by 0715, since I work tomorrow. I don't think I'll be getting a hotel again for the rest of my stay here. I should note that I've been speaking Spanish 95% of the time, and I'm not too rusty at it, although I definitely don't hold a candle to Liam (who lived in Spain for 10 years). I've already picked up quite a few Panamanian idioms that I never heard before, and I guess my accent is at least semi-legit, because I asked quite a few people. I also saw two ladies wearing Magen David necklaces (one was the cashier at the ferretería, the other the hotel receptionist), and there was a mezuzah on the door of the steak place I went for dinner. So, not so much for crazy adventures yet, but depending on how much longer we're here, we'll see.
was the mezuzah as nice as yours? i bet not.. ;)