Picton Castle at sea; Friday 4 June 2010 בס"ד
Morning watch started with about an hour of telling Yo some Fred stories, then the usual cleaning of the galley and stoveblacking. I stood third lookout, and had nothing to report. Nothing else really happened after that, and at 0400 we were stood down. Polaris is getting lower on the horizon.
Shabbat Shalom. I got a breakfast wake up today, because I told the 4-8s I'd like one as we left Lunenburg, but after a day at sea I Gave up on waking for breakfast. However, my name was never removed from the list, and from time to time I still get a wake up. I didn't realize why this was happening though, and fell back asleep only to wake up at 0900 panicking that I was late for watch. Anyway, day watch started with painting a backstay turnbuckle and wirebrushing some other turnbuckles on the mainmst. I stood third helm, steering WxS and then WSW. I finished with cleaning brushes at the paint locker. At 1600, there was a power shower rigged up, and I got nice and clean. At 1630, we had another workshop on A) how to cut and eat coconuts and waternuts, and B) short splicing. I had no trouble learning the shortsplice. I did some working out and got a sharpie rose from Jo as a test run. I might stay up til night watch, or I might not.
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