Picton Castle at sea; Wednesday 1 September 2010 בס"ד
First midnight watch in a while. Musters are on the quarterdeck because we have passengers asleep on the hatch. At the end of the first hour, we took in the spanker. Second hour had me standing amidships and welldeck watch, and Lorainne on the aloha deck to make sure the passengers are alright and help them if necessary. None of them woke up on my shift. There was a vessel that passed us port to port, and we temporarily altered course to pass. Also helped Nadja trim the main tgallant staysl sheet while on midships watch. Third hour I chatted with Tiina and did 100 pushups. I also let Rebecca know that A) I love work and you couldn't get me to stop working if you tried, and B) the exception to this is Yom Kippur, which is upcoming, and I explained to her that I wouldn't be able to work the two watches that fell on my Holy Day. She said that it would probably be okay. Then I stood fourth helm steering NW¼W. We were asked if we wanted breakfast wakeups, and I said yes, but we'll see how I feel when the time comes.
Got that breakfast wakeup, and realized that there's no way on Earth I'm getting out of my bunk for breakfast, period. Woke up at 1115 for lunch, then at watch stood first lookout without nothing to report. No ship's work because of the passengers, but I adjusted the extra awning (made of an old sail) and also stowed hawsers in the chain locker. Stood kid watch on the welldeck the last hour and a half and Dapper and I played with the kids and did pullups with them. Funny moment (caught on video) when we were doing pushups with the kids on our backs, when little Daniel grabbed Dan's rig knife and tried to kill. Hysterical. After watch, finished my bunk curtain and played chess with Davey. Now had a funny bro chillout with Dapper, David, and Dave. Nap.
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