05 January 2011

Monday 1 November 2010

Picton Castle at sea; Monday 1 November 2010 בס"ד

First hour of morning watch, I lit the galley stove. Second hour on lookout, reported a cumulonimbus squall off the port bow. Third hour we began to scrape down the focslehead pitch, then did a deckwash, where I was the hoseman. Fourth hour was a super scrubdown and soogie. Had breakfast, went below and read more Cruise of the Conrad, and passed out. Woke up at 1145 to prepare for another noon sight. Got a noon sight with our LAN 1208. Had lunch, and went below to read more. At 1600, cleaned up the well deck, and I stowed and lashed the wood from the mast tops that had been removed to the galleyhouse. I also was taught the spanish windlass technique when told to apply it to the skiff lashings. At 1630 we had a chart workshop. At 1720, when it had finished, I took the helm steering due W, and it was easy, using only one or two spoke turns to keep her steady. At 1745 the dinnerbell rang, and I was relieved early so I didn't fill the log. Did a galley clean, sweeping the sole, scrubbing bulkheads and mats, and grinding coffee. Then I did wakeups for the oncoming watch at 1930. There were three ships around us, probably fishing trawlers because they were brightly lit and not really going anywhere. I also learned more about the star Antares and that it appears red. After watch, did a well deck workout, and Bronwen asked me if I'd do a Captain's log article on Movember, since it was pretty ridiculous that everybody had moustaches. I agreed, then went below to read more and went to bed.

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