Picton Castle at sea; Monday 20 December 2010 בס"ד
Woke up at 0600, had a coffee, wrote my log, and chilled before breakfast. Work list for today included:
pull out port aloha veggie locker, scuff backside, paint buff and white
TSP and paint bulwark behind veggie locker white
put a coat of primer and two coats of stone on the screws on the batcave hatch
paint propane tanks A and B tropical blue
put two coats of corroseal and one coat of penetrol on the underside of the tgallant rail outside the engine room watertight door in the port breezeway
TSP focslehead rails and paint surf gray
TSP focslehead portside bitts and paint surf gray
TSP cowlvent bottom and bulkheads around them and paint white, then paint bottom trim red
TSP and paint white bamboo deck brush holder
paint a coat of stone under coffee station
assist with harness overhauls
put primer on mizzen and mizzen cap stay bolts on the mainmast
I put a coat of primer on my harness buckles and nearly had an ulcer when about a quart of white paint was spilled on deck by one of my workers. It was cleaned up though, but I've been come quite sensitive to both spilled paint and even the tiniest speckles of paint on deck, so this was just too much. After work, made a new lanyard for my rig knife, as the other one was chafing at the hilt. Dinner, then typed a log, read some Sea of Glory, and watched and episode of KvsS, then passed out.
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