Picton Castle at sea; Thursday 16 December 2010 בס"ד
Got an 0500 wakeup, but slept til 0715. Breakfast, then work. Today's work included:
scrape and prep more aloha deck waterway
scuff port breezeway head door, charthouse door, and rail in bridgewing with 180, then varnish
scuff port forwardmost quarterdeck deckbox lid with 80-180, then varnish
assist people in overhauling their harnesses
finish tropical bleu overhead spot painting
relashing oars, tiller, rudder, etc, in Monomoy
paint red the rail stanchion bottoms in the quarterdeck waterways that were missed
check and take up on boat lashings
remove old cowl vent grommet, replace with new
stone paint on porthole in port breezeway
second coat of primer under coffee station
stone touchup on galley diesel box, which turned into TSP box and repaint stone
paint pudding on starboard strongback between davits
paint center part of aloha deck waterway red
oil lift and sheet blocks on the foremast
paint under coffee station stone
clean chonchey and soogie pinrails
clean and TSP starboard forward bulkhead
There were times when all jobs were being done, or already finished, and I still had people to work, so I'd ask WT for the next things on the list, but I'd still get them finished. So in lulls like this, Sophie suggested oiling blocks, and I turned a one-flick-of-the-brush spot painting on the diesel box into a just-give-it-a-fresh-coat job. Also just had people clean things. At one pint I handed someone to the carpenters, where they just put a coat of penetrol on the new coffee station. After work, chilled with Davey talking about road tripping throughout the USA. Dinner, and chilling on the well deck trying to do wrist flick snapping. Read some more, then copied music from Dave to my computer. Bed.
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