05 January 2011

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Picton Castle at sea; Tuesday 2 November 2010 בס"ד

In the morning I was put on first lookout, with nothing to report. During watch, we scraped the focslehead deck, then took in all sail and motored, since we continued to have light airs that we couldn't use at all. While deckwash and soogie happened, I was put on scrubbing the overheads in the breezeways, which were covered in some weird grimey stuff. Yes, I'm probably shorter than the ideal overhead scrubber, but you get jobs and you do them, doesn't matter if you like it or not. Anyway, I did like it, so there. After watch, continued reading The Cruise of the Conrad, and finished it. Then I began reading “Gulliver's Travels” by Jonathan Swift. Did that until afternoon watch, and at 1600 I began cleaning the paint locker. Then we set all sail when the wind returned. At 1630 we had a charting workshop part II, and we broke into groups again and learned stuff. I was second lookout, during which we braced in and I tended the foresl tack. Had dinner, did dishwashing at the seasink, and did the coffee grinding. We had a quick lesson in precomputation for twilight star sights, then watch below and well deck workout. I showered afterwards, read, and went to bed.

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