Picton Castle at sea; Saturday 24 July 2010 בס"ד
Spent the dark part of morning watch taking night shots with the full moon from various locales on deck and aloft. At 0630-ish we started our holystoning, but only Joanie and Logan came to volunteer, probably because they were awake anyway and we rewarded volunteers with French-pressed coffee. I stood half of fourth lookout because Paul had Katie fill in for my first half while I holystoned (apparently only Siri and I enjoy this work). After breakfast I read a bit of TCOMC and then took a nap til lunch. After lunch, Ollie had a workshop on filming with a digital camera. I took a few videos, and then took one for Jimmy aloft at his request. Then Liam and I practiced our act for Pitcairn on the hatch. Got some food out of the hold reefers to thaw for tomorrow, since I have galley duty and must cook. On watch, worked on getting a sun sighting with the sextant and working out the math, with a practice run aloft to put a nice furl on the gaff topsl. I was timed by Paul, and I'm 15 seconds up and 15 seconds down from the mizzen crosstrees. After dinner, cleaned the galley, then stood fourth helm steering SWxW, except when I fell off to W so that we could use the SSB to communicate with Pitcairn. The ship was practically steering herself, and so it was a nice and easy hour. Now to bed so I wake up ready for galley duty. Oh, forgot to say: Tahiti is officially cancelled due to time constraints. Also, Robert told me a funny story that “When I first meet you in Lunenburg, you're a guy, a fucker. Now I know you for real and you are good.” I'll take what I can get, haha.
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