26 August 2010

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Picton Castle at sea; Wednesday 18 August 2010 בס"ד

Started today with sanding down the edges of the battons that had since dried in the stackhouse. Bracken came and belt-sanded them because the weather was intermittently raining, so we needed to bust it out quick during a dry period. Then we took them to the hold, where I coated them with Penetrol and set them up on the catwalk to dry. While doing this, I missed coffee break at 1030. I started working on my thingydingies again, and finished the four large ones. The two small ones I cut before were all screwed up, so after lunch, that was put on the agenda. First I painted the fiberglassed repair on the gaff with white toplac in the hold. Then I cut out new small bits, but ran out of time to bore the holes out because of a scheduled workshop. Getting work done today was tricky because it was raining, so there were about ten people in the workspace trying to get stuff done, myself included. A workshop was scheduled for 1615, but at the last minute it was cancelled due to rain. I worked on a picture frame out of a piece of shelf pine I got in Panama until dinner, then after dinner (which was Pitcairn goat), I read some Catcher in the Rye and Chapman's Piloting. Had a DMC with Shawn, and now bed.


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